Posting is Not Marketing

The idea that simply posting on social media is the same as marketing. It's a mistake I see all the time, and trust me, I've been there too. Let me walk you through what real marketing on social media looks like.

Understanding the Big Picture

It's More Than Just Posting

When I first dipped my toes into social media for my friend Sarah’s cupcake business, I thought posting pictures of cupcakes daily was enough. Spoiler alert: it wasn't. Social media marketing isn't just about posting; it's about creating a strategy that aligns with your business goals.

The Three Pillars of Social Media Marketing

  • Lead Generation: This is about getting people interested in what you offer. Think of it as inviting people to your party.

  • Lead Nurturing: Once they're interested, keep them engaged. It's like making sure they're having a good time at your party.

  • Lead Conversion: Finally, turning that interest into action, like getting them to buy a cupcake at your party.

Each post should contribute to these objectives. If it doesn't, it's time to rethink your strategy.

Storytelling: The Heart of Your Content

Why Stories Matter

Remember how I mentioned the cupcake business? One day, I shared a story about grandma’s secret recipe and how it inspired Sarah’s business. The engagement on that post was off the charts! Why? Because stories connect people. They’re memorable and relatable.

Creating Your Story Inventory

Gather all your stories - how you started, the challenges you faced, the successes you celebrated. These stories become a goldmine for your content.

Personal Anecdote: The Power of Relatability

Once, I shared a story about a cupcake disaster that turned into a surprise hit. It was relatable and showed the human side. People love seeing the person behind the business.

Branding: More Than Just a Logo

Building a Brand Identity

Think of branding as the personality of your business. It's not just your logo or colors; it's the feelings and experiences associated with your business.

Consistency is Key

Your branding should be consistent across all platforms. I learned this the hard way when my Instagram vibe didn’t match my Facebook page. Confusing, right?

Branding in Action: Make it Memorable

Create an element that makes your brand unforgettable. For my cupcake business, it was the signature pink box with a quirky quote inside. People remembered it, and it became a talking point.

The Art of the Call to Action

What is a Call to Action?

It's a clear instruction to your audience on what to do next. Imagine ending a fantastic story and then leaving your audience hanging. What a missed opportunity!

Make it Strong and Clear

Whether it's “click this link” or “order now,” your CTA should be direct and easy to follow.

A Personal Example: The Right CTA Works Wonders

I once ended a post with, “Swipe right to see the disaster turned delight, and order yours now!” Orders spiked because the CTA was clear and tied directly to the story I shared.

The 80/20 Rule of Content

Balancing Value and Promotion

Remember, not every post should scream “buy my product.” Follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content should provide value, and only 20% should be promotional.

Value Comes First

Share tips, insights, behind-the-scenes - anything that adds value without directly selling.

My Learning Curve

When I started, it was all about promotion. Once I shifted to more value-based content, like baking tips and cupcake decoration tutorials, the engagement and sales increased.

Building Relationships: It's Like Dating

Know, Like, and Trust

Your audience needs to know, like, and trust you before they buy from you. It’s like dating; you wouldn’t propose on the first date, right?

Share Your Journey

Let your audience into your world. Share your challenges, your day-to-day life - make them feel like they’re part of your journey.

A Personal Touch

I once shared about a day when everything went wrong in the kitchen, and how Sarah managed to turn it around. It made my audience see Sarah as a real person, not just a brand.

Conclusion: It’s a Journey, Not a Sprint

Remember, effective social media marketing is a journey. It's not just about posting; it's about connecting, engaging, and converting your audience in a way that feels authentic and true to your brand.

By understanding the importance of strategy, storytelling, branding, CTAs, content balance, and relationship building, you're not just posting - you're marketing. And that makes all the difference.

So, next time you're about to hit 'post', ask yourself: does this align with my strategy? Is it telling a story? Is it on-brand? Does it have a clear CTA(Call to Action)? Is it providing value? And most importantly, is it building a relationship with my audience?

Happy posting, and even happier marketing!


Case Study: "Think Different" -  Steve Job’s Legendary Marketing Approach


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